







TEST BENCH (Global Tachograph Station)
The G.T.S., easy to use instrument, allows to test and calibrate all the chronotachograph. Composed from one structure from bench, for the job in laboratory and from a palmar tester(G.T.T.) for the job on the vehicle. The structure from bench:is studied also in the design in order to render complete and easy all the operations of control of the tachograph in total security, whatever monitorate from luminous and acoustic signallings:

1) Led on/off

2) Led Inserted Tester


)Test emitter integrated and rotating

) Led Test-emitter

) Indication Voltage display

)Push- button 12V


7)Push- button 24V

) Potenziometro 0 - 24 V

.The Palmar tester G.T.T. (Global Tachograph Tester):
Removable to the occurrence is heart of G.T.S and is one instrument of last generation for the test of the chronotachograph. Conceived in order to satisfy all the requirements of the modern station. It, in fact, concurs to control the functions of all the models of tachograph until today produced both mechanics and electronic included 1324 Kienzle 1319 / and Motometer EGK100. With Global Tachograph Tester in a miniute we are able to find W (n° of turns to the change and n° of impulses to the turn) to program K and to find L (development of the wheel to the ground). The G.T.T., connected to probe (S.M.), easy applicable near a drive wheel, allows also the metric test making to carry out to the vehicle, a distance as much as one likes(minimal 20 mt) or quite still vehicle if raised from the ground.It controls the operation of all the more important elements that compose the tachograph, punctually characterizing also the smallest anomalies. It can find W also on the old mechanical tachograph, indicating the gears that they must be used in order to assemble the corrector, while for the tachigrafo Kienzle 1318 and the Veeder Root 8300 and 8400 signals on which switches DIL must be acted THE GLOBAL TACHOGRAPH TESTER is equipped with a serial port to connect it whit a personal computer.